Updating tariffs

  • Thursday, 23rd February, 2023
  • 10:49am

Dear users, February 22, 2023 our service completely updated the line of tariffs and finally switched to the wholesale prices.

Now everyone can buy proxies, we have reduced the cost of rent by 5 times and increased the number of purchased proxies.


New Prices:

  • 300 IP$45 for 30 days / Renewal - $36
  • 500 IP$75 for 30 days / Renewal - $60
  • 1000 IP$150 for 30 days / Renewal - $120
  • 1500 IP$225 for 30 days / Renewal - $180
  • 2000 IP$300 for 30 days / Renewal - $240


For services already purchased, this will not be affected. Renewal of purchased services, remains at the old price. If you want to switch to a new tariff, keeping the old list of IP-addresses, contact technical support.


Kind regards, Proxy5 Team.

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