Squid 代理
Our service offers to buy proxies for Squid at the best price. All proxies support connection via HTTP(s) and SOCKS5 network protocols, authorization by IP-address and login with password, have unlimited traffic and long service life. For each proxy packet, a list of IPs is generated with different subnets and inconsistent range of IP addresses. Configured proxies are provided instantly after payment.
IP 地址匿名
购买后 24 小时内保证更换或退款
Proxies for Squid are used to optimize network traffic and improve performance of web servers. They help to cache frequently requested web pages and data, which significantly speeds up access to them and reduces the load on Internet channels. Key benefits include improved page load speeds, reduced server response times, and network bandwidth savings. Proxies also provide more efficient management of access to Internet resources, allowing administrators to customize filtering and traffic control policies. This makes network operations more stable and efficient, improving the overall user experience and maintaining high performance of the network infrastructure.
All our proxy servers use the fourth version of the Internet Protocol (IPv4), which makes them ideal for interaction not only with Squid, but also with any other various services and programs. In addition, our proxies support connection via HTTP(s) and SOCKS4/5 network protocols. You can choose which protocol to use when connecting to our proxy servers.
代理服务器除了支持所有流行的连接协议外,还具有良好的速度和无限流量收费。您可以通过 IP 地址或登录名和密码连接到代理。付款后立即提供配置好的代理。